About Me

My name is Sandra Jurenovic, and I am an abstract painter.

Since childhood, my passion for painting and creativity has grown as a strong part of my personal identity. Throughout my life, I have always expressed my emotions through drawing and painting. Unfortunately, at one point, I set them aside, until I picked them up again during the first major Corona lockdown and haven't let go since.

My greatest inspiration comes from esoteric beings and the mystical inner worlds that reside within all of us. These themes often weave through the majority of my artworks, and I frequently develop that subject matter. Also present are small circular spheres (bubbles) that you can see in nearly every one of my works, like my signature.

Ah, those soap bubbles... There's something symbolic about them, isn't there? We strive to make them as beautiful as possible, to last as long as they can, keeping in mind how fragile they are. We admire their journey as they're carried away by the wind until they simply vanish... Much like life itself! I love painting them!

Just Good Vibes

As Jim Rohn says, "There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; it's what we do with them that's important."

It's all in the eye of the beholder, what they will see... When people find a part of themselves, some of their own emotions in one of my paintings, then I truly believe I've succeeded. Personally, each of my paintings serves as a reminder of that day and the emotions that were within me at that moment.

In painting, I am most successful when I don't overthink and don't hold onto any preconceived ideas. I paint only when I feel good and balanced. I'm not like some artists who can paint in any mood. I know that emotions pour out of me through the brush and color onto the canvas, and they stay there, captured forever. The whole painting then vibrates with that emotion, which is why it's so important to me that it's a good, positive emotion. Because once they shine in someone's workspace or private space, I want each of my paintings to infuse that space with just that - good vibes.

Our Destiny Chooses Us

"To aspire, to strive, to be devoted to ideals – that's a worthy struggle in itself." - William Osler

I always start painting directly on the canvas without any previous sketches. That way, I know that only the purest emotions flow through, and the result always remains authentic.

While creating a painting, I don't follow any rules, I have no guidelines. I paint wherever I can. That's how my paintings come to life on the terrace, in the kitchen, in the hallway... Each painting starts with choosing colors and canvas dimensions, and the essence of my abstract art is based on impulse and intuition.

Recently, I was asked what excites me the most about creating? For me, it's not knowing. Not knowing where the next brushstroke will lead me, not knowing what the painting will ultimately look like.

We cannot escape what we are.

Our destiny chooses us.